May 16, 2021. Yesterday I made a memory. You make them by being somewhere or doing something that you can recall. Something out of the ordinary. For me it was our first ever cooking a rack of lamb. A truly delicious and memorable culinary experience. I may not remember the second time I make a rack of lamb but I will always remember the first time. Today is Love A Tree Day, National Coquilles St. Jacques Day, National Mimosa Day, National Sea Monkey Day, National Wear Purple for Peace Day, National Piercing Day and World Baking Day. The first historical footnote of interest is in 1606 when 2,000 foreigners were murdered in Russia. Why? I didn’t find a reason. On this day in 1792, Denmark abolished the slave trade. This is the day in 1866 that the US Congress authorized the nickel 5 cent piece to replace the silver half-dime. Also, on this same day, Charles E. Hires invents “Hires Root Beer”. On this day in 1918 The Sedition Act of 1918 was passed by the U.S. Congress, making criticism of the government a crime punishable by a fine of $10,000 or imprisonment for not more than twenty years, or both. The Act was repealed by Congress in 1921. Wow. Finally, this is the day in 1965 that the Campbell Soup Company introduced SpaghettiOs. This happens to be Stud Terkel’s birthday. Studs was an author, historian, actor, and broadcaster. He said, “Think of what’s stored in an 80- or a 90-year-old mind. Just marvel at it. You’ve got to get out this information, this knowledge, because you’ve got something to pass on. There’ll be nobody like you ever again. Make the most of every molecule you’ve got as long as you’ve got a second to go.” This is the day that A. Philip Randolph’s life ended in 1979 at the age of 90. He was a labor unionist, civil rights activist, and socialist politician. He said, “Freedom is never granted; it is won. Justice is never given; it is exacted.” He’s right. Now, I’m done. I know this is going to be a good day. I’ve made that decision. Abide.