Today is September 18, 2023. Yesterday I was reminded of the power we have. A single sentence spoken at the right time can change a person’s life. The change can either be good or bad. A criticism can burden a person for the rest of their life and praise can elevate them. The point I’m making is that your words can have a life changing impact. Be careful. Speak wisely. Today is Chiropractic Founders Day, First Love Day, Hug a Greeting Card Writer Day, National Ceiling Fan Day, National Respect Day, Rice Krispies Treats Day, US Air Force Birthday, World Bamboo Day, National Cheeseburger Day. Lots of cheeseburger deals out there. I think I’ll celebrate this one. Now some history. On this day in 1502 Columbus landed in Costa Rica on this 4th and last voyage. The more I know about Columbus, the less I like him. On this day in 1793 George Washinton laid the cornerstone for the Capital Building in Washington, DC. On this day in 1812 the Great Fire of Moscow, set to prevent Napoleon from capturing the city, stopped burning leaving 75% of the city destroyed and 12,000 dead. On this day in 1848 Baseball ruled that the 1st baseman can tag the base for an out instead of the runner. On this day in 1850 Congress passed the Fugitive Slave Law which required slaves who had escaped be returned to their owners. On this day in 1885 riots broke out in Montreal to protest compulsory smallpox vaccinations. It appears there have always been anti-vaxxers. On this day in 1945 1,000 whites walk out of Gary, Indiana schools to protest integration. On this day in 1958 Bank of America mailed out 60,000 credit cards in Fresco, CA. This was the first credit card and later was named VISA. Today’s quotes come from Ruth Bader Ginsburg who died on this day in 2020. Ruth said, “Anger, resentment, envy, and self-pity are wasteful reactions. They greatly drain one’s time. They sap energy better devoted to productive endeavors.” “Sometimes people say unkind or thoughtless things, and when they do, it is best to be a little hard of hearing.” “If there was one decision I would overrule, it would be Citizens United. I think the notion that we have all the democracy that money can buy strays so far from what our democracy is supposed to be.” Me too Ruth, me too. Abide.