As we slowly move around the sun, we’ve now come to a spot we refer to as March 19, the 78th day of this year. For me, it’s going to be a pretty good day. Most of them are so the odds are with me. The Commission has declared this day to be National Poultry Day, National Chocolate Caramel Day, and Let’s Laugh Day. The Chicken is easy to celebrate since there are thousands of ways to cook them. Who doesn’t like Chocolate and Caramel together. And then it’s Laugh Day which is clearly the most important one. This is also the birthday of Wyatt Earp who is a very interesting character. I’m sure he was much different than he’s portrayed in the movies. It’s also Arthur C. Clarke’s birthday. He was a fantastic science fiction writer. I share some of his beliefs about humankind. I’ll give you one of his quotes: ” This is the first age that’s ever paid much attention to the future, which is a little ironic since we may not have one.” That is a serious quote about the future and we are living today in the present which is pretty wonderful and I refuse to let tomorrow ruin today. I intend to watch some YouTube videos of great comedy assured to make me laugh. I do this often because laughter is an almost magical elixir. I suggest you watch Robin Williams on his first Johnny Carson show. Tim Conway playing a dentist. Rodney Dangerfield doing standup. Find something that will make you laugh, then have a White Russian as a night cap and reflect on how lucky you are to have lived this day. Abide