08.20.2022 is on the milepost this morning. It’s a Saturday which was my favorite day of the week until retirement made all the days Saturday. It will be another good day in my small bubble of reality. I wish I had known that I could control my reality when I was younger instead of simply reacting to the fast balls and curves life threw at me. Live and learn. Today is Break The Monotony Day, International Homeless Animals Day, National Chocolate Pecan Pie Day, National Lemonade Day, National Radio Day, World Honey Bee Day, and National Bacon Lover’s Day which is something I will celebrate for breakfast. Now to our ancestors: On this day in 1191 Crusader King Richard the 1st, killed 3,000 Muslim prisoners in Akko. This is the day in 1612 that 9 witches were hanged at Gallows Hill in Lancaster England. On this day in 1619 the 1st known African Americans (20) in North America landed at Point Comfort Virginia and were sold into slavery. This is the day in 1866 that President Andrew Johnson formally declared the US Civil War over. On this day in 1896 the dial telephone was patented. On this day in 1964 President Johnson signed the Economic Opportunity Act, an anti-poverty measure totaling nearly $1 billion. This was the beginning of Johnson’s ‘War on Poverty’. The dead person’s advice comes from Jerry Lewis who died on this day in 2017. Jerry observed that “For those who understand, no explanation is needed. For those who don’t, none will do.”   “I don’t want to be remembered. I want the nice words when I can hear them.” I’ll end with “You might as well like yourself; just think about all the time you’re going to have to spend with you.” Have a great Saturday. I intend to. Abide.