A few hours ago it became March 7th in the year 2021. The list of events to celebrate today is a short one. Today is National Cereal Day, Crown Roast of Pork Day, Finishers Medal Day , National Be Heard, Namesake Day and Plant Power Day. March is also Optimism Month. Zig Ziglar said that optimism is going after Moby Dick in a row boat and bringing along a jar of tarter sauce. Just thought I’d throw that in. This is the date in 321 that Roman Emperor Constantine I decreed that Solis Invicti (sun-day) was the day of rest throughout the Empire. Now you know. In 1857, baseball teams formed a committee and decided that 9 innings constitutes an official game, not 9 runs. On this day in 1876, Alexander Graham Bell received a patent for the telephone. In 1908 on this date, Cincinnati Mayor Mark Breith stood before the City Council and announced that, “women are not physically fit to operate automobiles”. Since women couldn’t vote, the Major’s stupidity had no consequences. Today is the day that Gordon Parks, photographer, musician, writer and film director, and documentary photojournalism died in 2006. If you go to Bing.com, click on “Images” and search on “Photographs by Gordon Parks” you will see why he’s famous. Gordon said, “And now, I feel at 85, I really feel that I’m just ready to start.” He could tell you a story with a single picture. That’s enough for this day. Abide.