It’s 09.12.2022. Over the years I’ve written this post, I’ve concluded that each of us creates our own reality. A quote I used a few days ago said that our world view is determined largely by who we decide to listen to. The studies on the effect of watching the news are clear, it’s not good for you. Makes people negative, anxious, and frustrated. If you want to live in a better reality, turning off the news is a good first step. Today is National Police Woman Day, National Hug and High Five Day, National Day of Encouragement, I’m on Top of it Day, and National Chocolate Milkshake Day. Now to the What Happened Back Then section of this post: On this day in 490 BC the Battle of Marathon was fought and the messenger ran the 26 miles to tell the King. On this day in 1624 the 1st submarine was publicly tested in London on the Thames for King James I. On this day in 1895 Annie Londonderry arrived in Chicago to complete the first round-the-world trip by a woman on a bicycle, which took her 15 months. She collected the $10,000 prize. On this day in Los Angeles in the year 1910, Alice Stebbins Wells was appointed and became the first female police officer. On this day in 1928 a hurricane hit Florida killing 6,000 people. This is the day in 1958 that the US Supreme Court ordered the all-white Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas to integrate. The dead person for today is David Foster Wallace who died in 2008. He was a writer. I’m just going to give you one quote because it’s long: “Learning how to think really means learning how to exercise some control over how and what you think. It means being conscious and aware enough to choose what you pay attention to and to choose how you construct meaning from experience. Because, if you cannot or will not exercise this kind of choice in adult life, you will be totally hosed.” Abide.