Velkommen (Norwegian word for welcome) to September 21, 2022. Back in the day when I was collecting a paycheck, I’d often answer morning phone calls from Latino friends with “buenos días mi amigo” which means “Good morning my friend.” I’m fortunate to know so many wonderful, thoughtful, intelligent people who are referred to as minorities. It’s always good to begin my day being grateful for something. Just one thankful thought is enough. I bring this up because today happens to be World Gratitude Day. It’s also World Alzheimer’s Day, National Farm Safety Day for Kids, National Pecan Cookie Day, Miniature Golf Day, and National Chai Day. On this day in 46 BC Julius Caesar celebrated his triumphal return to Rome after his conquests with a procession led by the soon to be executed, Verecingetorix, King of the Gauls, who was in chains. On this day in 1513 James V was crowned King of Scotland at the age of 17 months. This is the day in 1676 that Jan and Nicolaas van der Heyden patented the fire hose. On this day in 1776, Nathan Hale was arrested for spying on the British. In 1780 on this day General Benedict Arnold gave the British the plans to West Point. On this day in 1792 the National Convention proclaimed the form abolition of the French monarchy. On this day in 1823 Joseph Smith claimed that the angle Moroni first appeared. This is the day in 1949 that the Chinese Communist leaders proclaimed the “People’s Republic of China”. On this day in 1970 “Monday Night Football” premiered on ABC. Browns beat the Jets 31 to 21. The dead person for today is Arthur Schopenhauer who was a German philosopher who died on this day in 1860. He observed “It is difficult to find happiness within oneself, but it is impossible to find it anywhere else.” “All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third it is accepted as being self-evident.” “A pessimist is an optimist in full possession of the facts.” Last one, “Just remember, once you’re over the hill, you begin to pick up speed.” I’m glad I found this guy. Have a good one. Abide.