March 27, 2023. It’s time to remind myself, and you, that we should be thankful to be alive and to have what we have. That checks off Box Number One. Box 2 is what are the designated celebratory events of today. Box 3 is a short lesson in the history of this day and Box 4 is to provide myself, and you, something to think about. Today is Celebrate Exchange Day, National Joe Day, National Scribble Day, National Spanish Paella Day, World Theatre Day, and Quirky Country Music Song Titles Day. My favorite is Take Your Tongue Out of My Mouth Cause I’m Kissing You Goodbye written by Ray Stevens. Box 2 checked. On this day in 1351 the Battle of Thirty was fought between 30 English and French knights using swords, maces, lances and daggers. The commanders of both armies allowed the 60 knights to fight the battle instead of the thousands who would have fought and died in combat. On this day in 1513, Juan Ponce de Leon found Florida. On this day in 1668 King Charles II issued a Royal Charter giving the English East India Company control of Bombay, India. The English East India was a corporation formed to trade and produce profits from trade with China and India. They were heavily involved with the slave trade. On this day in 1794 the United States established a permanent navy and authorized the building of six warships. On this day in 1866 Andrew Rankin patented the urinal. On this day in 1866 President Andrew Johnson vetoed the Civil Rights Bill which would eventually pass and become the 14th Amendment to the Constitution. It outlawed the Poll Tax used primarily to prevent poor blacks from voting. On this day in 1912 the 1st Japanese cherry blossom trees were planted in Washington DC. If you’ve ever been there when they are in bloom, it is a beautiful sight to see. Box 4 checked. Today’s dead person is the poet Adrienne Rich who passed in 2012. She said, “We must use what we have to invent what we desire.” “Lying is done with words and also with silence.” “False history gets made all day, any day, the truth of the new is never on the news.” Last one and profound as can be “In America we have only the present tense. I am in danger. You are in danger.” Box number 4 checked. Abide.