May 26, 2021. I just checked the National Hurricane Center and there’s nothing brewing off the coast of Africa. That’s a good thing. A high of 91 degrees this afternoon means that we are beginning summer in Central Florida. My grass is waiting for the 15 minute afternoon rains to begin which are predicted to start next week. Another fantastic day awaits. Today we have some good choices to celebrate. It’s National Blueberry Cheesecake Day, National Cherry Dessert Day, Paper Airplane Day. World Lindy Hop Day, World Redhead Day and World Dracula Day. I will have some blueberries to celebrate May 26, 2021. Now let’s climb on board the way back machine and see what happened on this day. On this day in 1637 the 1st battle of Pequot War in Connecticut took place when 500 Pequot Native Americans were killed by Colonial forces. In 1647 Alse Young became the first person executed as a witch in the American colonies, when she was hanged in Hartford, Connecticut. Not much information of her trial has been retained but it is thought that she was blamed for the Influenza. Think about that one for a minute or two. On this day in 1868 US President Andrew Johnson avoided impeachment by 1 vote. This is a big footnote. President Johnson was determined to put Lincoln’s plan of reconstruction that would be lenient toward the defeated South as it rejoined the Union. Congress wanted military governments set up and the punishment of the South. Had President Johnson been impeached, we would have a different America. Finally, on this day in 1896 the Dow Jones index began with an average of 12 industrial stocks (closing is 40.94). This is the day that Jacob Riis, a muckraking journalist died in 1914. He said, “The more I live, the more I think that humor is the saving sense.” This is also the day that Charles Mayo stopped living. He was one of the founders of the Mayo Clinic. He said, “Worry affects the circulation, the heart, the glands, the whole nervous system. I have never known a man who died from over work, but many who died from doubt.” I’m sure both of these men agree with Bobby McFerrin that we don’t Don’t Worry, Be Happy. and with that, I’ll end this post and start my day. Abide