We’ve got one more day of November and then we will enter the time/space of December 2020. That means a vaccine will become available and the beginning of the end of this pandemic. It’s November 29th and I’m optimistic about our near future. We won’t be out of the chaos for a few months but the end is near and normal awaits. Now lets see what special celebratory designations we have for today. It’s National chocolate day, National leftovers day, national lemon cream pie day, throw out your leftovers day, and national native American heritage day. I have to go for the chocolate but the lemon cream pie is a close second. Now the history of this date. In 1781 the crew of the slave ship Zong murder about 142 African slaves by dumping them into the sea to claim the insurance. Since slaves were treated as cargo and not people, no one was ever tried. In 1864,the Sand Creek Massacre takes place when Colorado militia kills about 150 peaceful Cheyenne and Arapaho Indians including Cheyenne chief One-Eye.
In 1890 the first US army navy football game is held. Score is navy 24 army zero. In 1910, the a US patent is given for inventing the traffic light system. In 1933 the first state liquor store is authorized in Pennsylvania. Finally, in 1975 on this day President Ford orders states to provide a free education for the handicapped. This is the birthday (1898) of CS Lewis who was a British author. Here is a quote: “we are what we believe we are”. I could not agree more. This is also the day that Beatle George Harrison’s life ended at the age of 58 from lung cancer. George said, “The only reason I started to write songs was because I thought, ‘Well, if they can write them, I can write them.” Turns out he could write them. We lost him way too early. That’s enough for this day. I think I’ll learn a George Harrison song on my ukulele. Abide.