03.20.2022. The Parrot Head Poker Run was the biggest one we’ve ever had. Lots of fun and lots of money raised thanks to the people that volunteered their time to create such a great event. It truly was a party with a purpose. Today is Hufflepuff Pride Day which is from the Harry Potter books. Here’s a suggestion: If you haven’t read the series, you should. You can download them. Read the first book and then watch the movie made about it. Then second and so on and so on. It’s a fantastic series. It’s also Alien Abduction Day, National Bock Beer Day, International Day of Happiness, Atheist Pride Day, Bibleomania Day, French Language Day, The First Day of Spring, World Storytelling Day, and National Ravioli Day. On this day in 1868, Jesse James and his gang robbed the bank in Russellville KY of $14,000. In 1930 Kentucky Fried Chicken is founded by Colonel Harland Sanders in North Corbin, Kentucky. On this day in 1944 2,500 women trample guards and floorwalkers to purchase 1,500 alarm clocks announced for sale in a Chicago Illinois department store. On this day in 1954 the first newspaper vending machine was used. This is the day in 1962 that a 1962 that the sociologist C. Wright Mills died. He said, “Nobody talks more of free enterprise and competition and of the best man winning than the man who inherited his father’s store or farm.” This is also the date in 2020 that Kenny Rogers died. Kenny said, “Youth is a frame of mind. If you get out there and enjoy it, you can have it at any time in your life.” Lewis Gizzard, who was a Southern humorist, died on this day in 1994 and said, “It is difficult to think anything but pleasant thoughts while eating a homegrown tomato.I agree with those quotes. Abide.