It is now the 8th day of September 2020. Now we wait 14 days to see if the virus showed up while you were cooking burgers this weekend. I don’t like this but I’m getting used to it. As I’ve said before, humans are adaptable. There’s a long list of this to celebrate today: International Literacy Day, National Actors Day, National Ampersand Day & Pardon Day & National Date Nut Bread Day & National Ants On A Log Day & National Pledge Of Allegiance Day & Star Trek Day. Did you know that 32 million American adults are illiterate. That 21 percent of us read below a 5th grade level. That 19 percent of high school graduates are functionally illiterate, which means they can’t read well enough to manage daily living and perform tasks required. It’s a big problem that few people even know about. Now you know. Now to history: This is the day in 1504 that Michelangelo completed the Statue of David. In 1565 on this day the 1st permanent European settlement in the US founded at St. Augustine, Florida. This is the day in 1800 that 6,000 are killed when a hurricane & tidal wave strikes Galveston, Texas. Finally, on this day Ernest Hemingway’s novel “The Old Man & the Sea” is published. Today is Bernie Sander’s birthday. He was born in 1941. I like Bernie and always have. This is one of his quotes: “You’ve got the top 400 Americans owning more wealth than the bottom 150 million Americans. Most folks do not think that is right.” That’s an old quote. The top 400 have done very well in the last year. I really don’t understand why people with more money then they and their children can ever spend want more. There’s no utility in money you can’t spend. I’ll leave it there today. Now it’s up to you to decide what today will bring you. Be sure to Abide.