March 5th has arrived. I will do my best to pay attention to the small things. I will be grateful. I will only allow myself to think positive thoughts. My 28,767th day of life will be a good one to live. Yes, another daily affirmation. They work. You can decide the kind of day you want to live. 03/05 is National Cheese Doodle Day, National Multiple Personality Day, National Potty Dance Day, National Poutine Day, Pasty Day, Peace Corps Day, Reel Film Day, Unique Names Day, and world tennis day. It’s also National Procrastination and Words Matter Week. Now to the history of this day. In 1558 Spanish physician Franciso Fernandes introduced smoking tobacco to Europe. On this day in 1770 the Boston Massacre took place when British soldiers killed 5 men in a crowd throwing snowballs, rocks and sticks at them. On this day in 1924 Frank Carauna became the first person to bowl 2 successive perfect 300 games. This is the day in 1945 that the US 7th Army Corps captured Cologne Germany. In 1955 on this day Elvis make his first TV appearance on the “Louisiana Hayride”. On this day in 1960 Elvis ended his 2-year hitch in the Army and was discharged. This is the day in 1971 that “Stairway to Heaven” by Led Zeppelin was first played live. This is also the sad day in 1982 that we lost John Belushi to an overdose at age 33. John said, “My advice to you is to start drinking heavily.” “I owe it all to little chocolate donuts.” “We don’t need no stinking badges!” “Christ. Seven years of college down the drain.” “We are on a mission for God.” Animal House and the Blues Brothers are two of my favorite movies. Maybe I’ll watch one of them this afternoon. Abide.