It’s now April 23rd, 2021. I have to admit. I feel great. I’ve lost the weight I put on during the pandemic and my doctor told me to keep on doing what I’m doing. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “The first wealth is health”. Kiana Tom said, “My personal goals are to be happy, healthy and to be surrounded by loved ones.” Me too Kiana. The Commission has a big list of celebratory events today. International Nose Picking Day, Lover’s Day, National Picnic Day, National Cherry Cheesecake Day, Take a Chance Day, Talk Like Shakespeare Day and German Beer Day. There’s others but this should be enough to work with. The reason this is German Beer Day is because on this day in 1516, the German Beer Purity Law was enforced across all of Bavaria and established that beer is to be brewed from only three ingredients – water, malt and hops. On this day in 1871 Blossom Rock in San Francisco Bay is blown up. Blossom rock was a navigational hazard in San Francisco Bay. It was 5 feet under the water at low tide. Quite a feat to blow it up but on this day it was finally done. In 1900 the 1st know occurrence of word “hillbillie” is used by the New York Journal. Finally, on this day in 1982 Conch Republic was established by the mock secession of the Florida Keys from the United States of America. This is William Shakespeare’s birthday (1564). He said, “A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool”. This is also the day that William Shakespeare died in 1616 at the age of 52. A second quote is in order: “Love all, trust few and do harm to no one.” That’s a good way to live. Have some German beer and you can pick at your nose when no one is watching. Since it’s talk like Shakespeare day, instead of Abide, I’ll end with a quote from King Lear “Fairies and gods Prosper it with thee! Go thou further off; Bid me farewell”.