September 3 is now here. Yesterday was tough. I’ll follow Jimmy’s advice and “Beathe in, Breathe out, Move on.”   This is a new day. Repeat after me: “I will amplify the positive, mute the negative, notice the small things, be nice, think happy thoughts and I will have a good day.” That is an affirmation which is a declaration of intent and, yes. The scientific evidence suggests they work. The holidays for today are Bowling League Day, National Skyscraper Day, National Welsh Rarebit Day, Penny Press Day, and Pet Rock Day. Not the best list I’ve seen. Oh well. Now some history: On this day in 301 the smallest nation in the world, San Marino, was founded. On this day in 1189 Richard the Lionheart was crowned King of England. To celebrate the coronation, 30 Jews were killed. Richard wasn’t pleased and ordered the perpetrators to be executed. On this day in 1783 the Treaty of Paris was signed ending the American Revolutionary War. On this day in 1855 700 soldiers under General William S. Harney avenged the Grattan Massacre by attacking a Sioux village killing 100 men, women and children. The Grattan Massacre had occurred the previous August when a small detachment of soldiers entered a large Sioux encampment to arrest a man accused of stealing a cow and one soldier shot and killed the chief where upon the Sioux shot and killed 29 soldiers. On this day in 1916 President Wilson signed the Adamson Act providing an 8-hour workday on interstate railroads which prevented a national railroad strike. On this day in 1944 Anne Frank was sent to Auschwitz. On this day in 1964 President Johnson signed the Wilderness Act thereby protecting 9.1 million acres of federal land from development. Toda’ first quotes come England’s Lord Protector, Oliver Cromwell who said, “He who stops being better stops being good.” “Do not trust the cheering, for those persons would shout as much if you or I were going to be hanged.” I’ll end with quotes from Coach Vince Lombardi who said, “The measure of who we are is what we do with what we have” and “Praise in public, criticize in private.” Good advice. Abide.