The Earth has arrived at the time/space of September 6, 2022. I am hopeful that today will be another wonderful day to live. Writing this post is the first thing I do each morning. It’s a present I give myself. A reminder to adjust my attitude and set my expectations for each new day. I wish I had started doing this 50 years ago. Today is Barbie Doll Day, Fight Procrastination Day (maybe tomorrow), Great Egg Toss Day, Read a Book Day, Telephone Tuesday, and National Coffee Ice Cream Day. Now some history: On this day in 1622 a Spanish silver fleet disappeared off the Florida Keys. On this day in 1651 King Charles II of England spent a day hiding in an oak tree trying to escape the Battle of Worcester which he lost. On this day in 1716 the first light house in America was built in Boston. This is the day in 1869 that the first Westbound train arrived in San Francisco. This is the day in 1876 of the race riots in Charleston, SC. It was all about politics. If you think we are polarized today (and we are), it was a lot worse after emancipation in the South. In 1883 on this day the Chicago White Stockings beat the Detroit Wolverines, 26 to 6. Chicago scored 18 runs in the 7th. On this day in 1901, President William McKinley was shot 3 times in the chest by an unemployed mill worker while visiting the Pan-American Exposition in New York. He died 8 days later and was succeeded by Theodore Roosevelt. On this day in 1916 the first true supermarket opened in Memphis, TN. It was a “Piggly Wiggly”. This isn’t a good quote day. Lots of dead people, not a lot of good quotes so I’ll go to plan B which is some quotes by Stoic Philosophers: Seneca said, “Life is very short and anxious for those who forget the past, neglect the present, and fear the future.” Marcus Aurelius said, “Today I escaped anxiety. Or no, I discarded it, because it was within me, in my own perceptions – not outside” and “The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.” That’s enough for this day. Abide.