Here we are. It’s now November 26th, 2019. I’m a bit low today. Yesterday I found out that one of the people who I know and like has inoperable brain cancer. Doesn’t look good is an understatement. I happen to live in a community of older people that constantly reminds me of my mortality. One of the reasons I write this post is to remind myself how precious each day is. I intend to squeeze as much happiness as I can out of this day. The Commission isn’t much help: It‘s Good Grief Day? and National Cake Day. That’s it. Only two. Since all I need is one, I will make a low carb chocolate lava mug cake topped with some whip cream to finish off my day. Let’s look at what happened on this day: In 1716, the 1st lion was exhibited in America in Boston. In 1789 the 1st national Thanksgiving was celebrated in America . In 1842 the University of Notre Dame is founded. In 1865 “Alice in Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll is published and brings me to my first quotes. Lewis Carroll is a excellent source: “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.” And “One of the secrets of life is that all that is really worth the doing is what we do for others.” In 1898 the SS Portland “The Titanic of New England” leaves for Cape Cod, shipwrecked off Cape Ann, all 192 on board killed. My advice is to never, ever set foot on a boat that is called Titanic. This happens to be the birthday (1876) of Willis Carrier who developed modern air conditioning. He is the person who made life livable in Florida. It’s also the birthday (1922) of 2 Charles M. Schulz which is why it’s Good Grief Day. He said “I think I’ve discovered the secret of life – you just hang around until you get used to it.” I think Charles has figured it out. One the songs I wrote years ago is “We’re all just killing time until we die”. That doesn’t mean that we can’t throw a party every day until Mr. Mortality taps us on the shoulder. With that happy thought, I’m off to see what this day brings. Abide.