It’s now November 4th, 2021. Yesterday was a good day. By “good” I mean a 2.5 on a scale of 10. That’s the way I’ve set my calibration. Anything above a 4 is Fantastic. This way, a “bad” day is a rare occurrence when I lose a friend or something traumatic happens in my family. I’ve been saying “Fantastic” to everyone who asks me how my day is going since I was nearly killed 12 years ago which is another story. In my mind, every day is a second chance, another bite of the apple, a unique opportunity. After all, it’s Skeptics Day, Use Your Common Sense Day, King Tut Day, National Candy Day, National Chicken Lady Day, National Men Make Dinner Day, and International Stout Day. Since I am by nature a skeptic, I’ll celebrate that. Now let’s review some history: On this day in 1646 Massachusetts used the death penalty for denying that Holy Bible is God’s word. How Christian of them. On this day in 1841 the first wagon train arrived in California. In 1879 on this day James Ritty patented the first cash register, to combat stealing by bartenders in his saloon in Dayton, Ohio. In 1939 on this day the first air-conditioned automobile (Packard) was exhibited in Chicago, Illinois. Finally, in 1963 on this day John Lennon uttered his infamous line at a London Royal Variety Performance “Will the people in the cheaper seats clap your hands? And for the rest of you if you’ll just rattle your jewelry”. Today is the day that Will Rodgers was born. Lots and lots of great quotes. Here’s one I like: “good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.” This is also the day that Andy Rooney died in 2011 at the age of 92. I’ll end with some of his observations: “People will generally accept facts as truth only if they facts agree with what they already believe” “Small Daily happenings make life spectacular. Start enjoying the small things in life!” I’ll end this post with “I didn’t get old on purpose, it just happened. If you’re lucky, it could happen to you>” Abide
