The mile post says 10.20.2022. We get to live another day. It’s a gift I never get tired of opening and one I never take for granted. Today is Conflict Resolution Day, International Chefs Day, Miss American Rose Day, National Brandied Fruit Day, National Day of Writing, National Suspenders Day, National Chicken and Waffles Day, and Office Chocolate Day. Now some history: On this day in 1803 the US Senate ratified the Louisiana Purchase. In 1817 on this day the first Mississippi “Showboat” left Nashville on its maiden voyage. This is the day in 1818 that the 49th parallel would be the border between Canada and the US. On this day in 1917 US suffragette Alice Paul began a 7-month jail sentence for peacefully picketing the White House in support of the Women’s Suffrage (right to vote) Amendment. Her incarceration was a key factor in gaining women the right to vote. On this day in 1965 the Beatles received a gold record for ‘Yesterday’. The dead person for today is Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi who was a Hungarian American psychologist who died last year. He suggested “Find out what you like and what you hate about life. Start doing more of what you love, less of what you hate.” “A person can make himself happy, or miserable, regardless of what is actually happening ‘outside’, just by changing the contents of consciousness.” “The task is to learn how to enjoy everyday life without diminishing other people’s chances to enjoy theirs.” Last one: “Happiness does not simply happen to us. It’s something we make happen.” I agree with Mihaly. I’ve decided to be happy. Abide.