Time moves slower when you’re not having fun. Not a lot of fun to be had when you’re hiding from zombies. The good news is they’re out there and I’m nice and safe in here. There’s a bunch of things you can celebrate on March 21, 2020: Maple Syrup Saturday, National Corndog Day, National Common Courtesy Day, National California Strawberry Day, National Crunchy Taco Day and National French Bread Day. There’s more but this is enough. I’ll pick tacos to celebrate. Now to historical foot notes. This is the day in 1844 that William Miller, a famous Baptist preacher predicted the return of Christ and the end of the world. I’ll bet that was embarrassing. In 1925 Tennessee governor Austin Peay passes the “Butler Act,” making Tennessee the 1st state to outlaw teaching the theory of evolution (repealed 1967). Finally, in 1995 on this day, the Sate of New Jersey officially dedicates the Howard Stern Rest Area along Route 295. He must be so proud. I didn’t find anyone with a birthday or death that could produce interesting quotes so I searched on “solitude” and came up with the following: Aristotle said, “Whosoever is delighted in solitude is either a wild beast or a god.” Since I’m neither, I’ll just keep pretending that there are Zombies out there waiting to eat my brain and endure. And Abide.