The sign says 11.22.2020. It falls on a Sunday this year. What the history books will say about this year? I’m sure that 2020 will be the subject of dissertations written by people seeking advanced degrees in Sociology. It’s been quite a year and it isn’t done yet. I hope that the spillover into 2021 is small. If I were King, I’d require Critical Thinking to be taught in grade school. We could use a lot more of it. Moving on. Today is Go For A Ride Day, Humane Society Anniversary Day, Mother Goose Parade Day, National Housing Day (if you’re in Canada), National Stop The Violence Day, Cranberry Relish Day and Start Your Own Country Day. Since starting my own country sounds too much like work, I’ll celebrate cranberry relish. On this day in 1542 Spain delegates “New Laws” against slavery in America. This is the reason why runaway slaves headed for Florida while it was under Spanish rule. This is the day in 1809 that Peregrine Williamson of Baltimore patents a steel pen. In 1927 on this day 1st snowmobile patent granted to Carl Eliason from Sayner, Wisconsin. This is the day in 1963 that JFK is shot to death in Dallas Texas. I’ve been to the Book Depository window where Oswald is said to have taken the shots from. I don’t buy the story. I don’t believe we’ll ever know the truth of who and why. Since this is the day JFK stopped living, I’ll end this post with a few of his quotes: “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” “Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.” “Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future” That’s enough for you to think about on this day. Stay safe and wear the mask. It could save your life. Be sure to Abide.