Earth is now in the time/space of December 27th, 2021. My desire to listen to Christmas music is waning. The old Christmas movies have been watched. The decorations will soon be taken down and life will return to normal, except it won’t be because the new variant is on a rampage. Maybe we have to go through this to reach the end of the Covid pandemic? Hope so. This day celebrates Make Cut Out Snowflakes Day, Fruitcake Day and Visit the Zoo Day. Not much to choose from. Now to the way back machine: In 1512 the Spanish Crown issues the Laws of Burgos, governing the conduct of settlers with regards to native Indians in the New World. I’d never heard of the Laws of Burgos so I looked them up. What they set forth was rules to cover the enslavement of Native populations and their conversion to Catholicism. In 1900 Carrie Nation’s 1st public smashing of a bar. It was the Carey Hotel in Wichita KS. In 1915 US Iron and Steel workers begin a 3-week strike in Ohio for a eight-hour-day and they are successful. In 1937 Mae West performs Adam & Eve skit that gets her banned from NBC radio. I bring this up to give you a Mae West quote: “When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one I’ve never tried before”. Today I’m going to use quotes from Shanti Devi who died on this day in 1987 at the age of 61. She claimed to remember a previous life and was the subject of reincarnation research. There research concluded that she did. Interesting. From her quotes, I can tell she is Buddhist. I’ll end with these: “All happiness comes from the desire for others to be happy” and “If you can solve your problem, what is the need for worrying? If you can’t solve it, what is the use of worrying?” Abide.