We have reached the point in time/space called March 19, 2024. I’m beginning this day feeling happy because that’s what I’ve decided to be. I have several choices, but happiness is the one I’ve picked. I’m grateful to be alive for one more day. 03/19 is Certified Nurses Day, International Earth Day, Let’s Laugh Day, The First Day of Spring, National Poultry Day, Proposal Day, Swallows Return to San Juan Capistrano Day, and National Chocolate Caramel Day. Now it’s time to troll down history lane. In 1644, 200 members of Peking imperial family and court commit suicide in loyalty to the Emperor. Wow. On this day in 1748 the Naturalization Act passed granting Jews the right to colonize North America. In 1775, 4 people were buried by avalanche in Italy for 37 days, 3 survive. In 1831 the 1st US bank robbery happened when the City Bank in New York was robbed of $245,000. That is the equivalent of almost $7.3 million in 2020 dollars. In 1917 on this day the US Supreme Court upheld the 8-hr workday for railroad employees. On this day in 1942 FDR ordered men between 45 & 64 to register for non-military duty. This is the date in 2008 that Arthur C. Clarke stopped living. He is an outstanding science fiction author. He said, “New ideas pass through three periods: 1) It can’t be done. 2) It probably can be done, but it’s not worth doing. 3) I knew it was a good idea all along!” “The difference between machines and human beings is that human beings can be reproduced by unskilled labor.” “Isn’t killing in the name of God a pretty good definition of insanity? “ That’s a good one to end this post on. Abide.