February 17th has arrived. Last night I was thinking about the Big Bang and quantum physics. The fact that the only things that exists in the universe is energy. There are no particles, only fields of energy. Then I recalled Descartes’ quote “I think therefore I am.” Each of us is a collection of atoms, created in dying stars billions of years ago now capable of independent thought. Wow. If you’re not awe stuck by life, you’re not paying attention. Feb. 17 is National Cabbage Day, National Indian Pudding Day, National PTA Founders Day, National Public Science Day, Random Acts of Kindness Day, Who Shall I Be Day, and World Human Spirit Day. It’s also Celebration of Love Week, and National Condom Week. Go figure. On this day in 1600 the Italian philosopher, Giordano Bruno, was burned alive in Rome for heresy. He professed the belief that the night’s stars were suns with their own planetary systems. In 18012 on this day the US House broke the electoral college tie and elected Thomas Jefferson President over Aaron Burr. In 1933 on this day the 1st issue of “Newsweek” was published. This is the day in 1958 that the comic strip “BC” 1st appeared. On this day in 1969 Bob Dylan and Johnny Cash recorded an album together that has never been released. Please note that this day’s historical footnotes didn’t include any Jewish atrocities. Today I will use Giordano Bruno for my quotes. He said, “Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.” “I beg you, reject antiquity, tradition, faith, and authority! Let us begin anew by doubting everything we assume has been proved.” “The fools of the world have been those who have established religions, ceremonies, laws, faith, rule of life.” “I await your sentence with less fear than you pass it. The time will come when all will see what I see.” One of the things I’ve learned over the years I’ve written this post is that anyone who threatens those in power are often found guilty of some crime and executed, have an accident, or just disappear. Some things don’t change. Abide.