It’s now January 5, 2024. The temperature will finally break the 70-degree mark today. I plan to enjoy it. It’s all about attitude. It is impossible to live a good day with a bad attitude. Bad days suck. I choose to live good ones. Today is also monopoly Game Day, National Bird Day, National Keto Day, National Screenwriters Day, and National Whipped Cream Day. Here’s my rare Tip of the Day: If you’re into cutting carbs (Keto), the best tasting keto bread we’ve found is at Aldis and it’s around $2 cheaper a loaf. Moving on. On this day in 1527 the Anabaptist preacher Felix Manz was executed by drowning in Zurich. Felix had gotten into an argument about baptism with the Catholic Church and they decided the fitting punishment was death by baptism. In 1709 The Great Frost, a sudden cold front hit Europe. Thousands died across the continent and crops fail in France. On this day in 1804 the Ohio legislature passed the “Black Laws” which restricted the movement and employment of free blacks. In 1914 on this day the wages paid by Ford Motor Co jumped from $2.40/9-hr day to $5.00/8-hr day. Now the people who worked at Ford could afford to buy what they built. On this day in 2022 the governor of Louisiana, John Bel Edwards, pardoned Homer Plessy (African American) for the crime of buying a “whites-only” train ticket in 1892. This case went all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court (Plessy V. Ferguson) in 1896. The Court decided 7 to 1 that racial segregation laws did not violate the Constitution as long as the facilities for each race were equal in quality. Segregation laws would largely stand until Brown v. Brown in 1954. Today I’m going with George Washington Carver for quotes. George said, “How far are you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in your life you will have been all of these.” Sometimes, one quote is enough. Abide.