It is now December 27th, 2023. We’ve moved into that part of time space for the first and last time. Humans live on one tiny planet. It would be nice if we could get along and live in peace. It’s out of my control so I’ll not spend much of today wishing for a better world. I’ll just try to be a better person and let everyone else be what they want to be. Today is Howdy Doody Day, Make Cut Out Snowflakes Day, National Fruit Cake Day, and Visit the Zoo Day. Not a great list but some are better than others. Now some history: On this day in 1512 the Spanish Crown issued the Laws of Burgos to regulate the treatment of the native Indians in the New World. Search on the “Laws of Burgos”, it’s an interesting read. On this day in 1900 Carrie Nation 1st public bar smashing took place at the Carey Hotel in Wichita, Kansas. On this day in 1915 the US Iron and Steel workers began a 3-week strike in Ohio for an 8-hour workday. They were successful. On this day in 1947 the 1st “Howdy Doody Show” was telecast on NBC. On this day in 2007 former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto was assassinated by a suicide bomber. I’ll use her quotes to wrap up this post. Benazir said, “I dream of a world where we can commit our social resources to the development of human life and not to its destruction.” “What is not recorded is not remembered.” “Every dictator uses religion as a prop to keep himself in power.” “No, I am not pregnant. I am fat. And, as the Prime Minister, its my right to be fat if I want to.” She was a strong lady and a good leader. Enough for today. Abide.