We are halfway through December 2023. It’s the 15th day of this month. You should have all your major gifts purchased, Christmas dinner planned and at the early stages of hearing too much Christmas music. Take a few minutes today to sit back and focus on your memories of Christmas’ past. Only the good ones. Be grateful you get to do it again. Today is Bill of Rights Day, Cat Herders Day, International Tea Day, National Cupcake Day, National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day, Underdog Day, and National Wear Your Pearls Day. Now let’s see what our ancestors did on this day. On this day in 1971 the first American law school was established at the University of Pennsylvania. On the same day, the US Bill of Rights was ratified when Virginia approved. On this day in 1840 Napoleon Bonaparte received a French state funeral in Paris 19 years after his death. On this day in 1916 the French launched the larges attack of WWI at Verdun. The battle stated with a 6-day bombardment of the German lines. The French lost 400,000 and the Germans lost 350,000. On this day in 1939 “Gone With The Wind” premiered in Atlanta. On this day in 1941 the American Federation of Labor adopted a no-strike policy for the war industries. This is the day in 1952 when Christine Jorgenson became the first known American to undergo a sex-change operation. In 1955 on this day Johnny Cash released “Folsom Prison Blues”. On this day in 2006 the legendary Blues musician, B.B. King was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President George W. Bush. In the year 1890 Sitting Bull was killed by US Police. Here are several of his quotes: “Warriors are not what you think of as warriors. For us, is one who sacrifices himself for the good of others. His task is to take care of the elderly, the defenseless, those who can not provide for themselves, and above all, the children, the future of humanity.” “It does not take many words to tell the truth.” “What treaty have the Sioux made with the white man that we have broken? Not one. What treaty have the white man ever made with us that they have kept? Not one.” “This is a good day to die. Follow me!” I would have like to spend an afternoon with him asking questions and listening. Abide.