This day is called December 9, 2023. I’m grateful to be a able to live this 28,680th day of my life. In the words of Joe Walsh, “Life’s been good to me so far.” Now that I’ve done my gratitude thing for this morning let’s see what holidays there are to celebrate. Today is Christmas Card Day, Cremation Day, Gingerbread Decorating Day, International Day of Veterinary Medicine. International Shareware Day, National Pastry Day, Weary Willie Day, and World Techno Day. Not a great list unless you like pastry, which I do but don’t eat often. Moving on to history: On this day in 1775 General Henry Knox begins moving the artillery from Fort Ticonderoga to Boston to force the British to evacuate. The trip was 300 miles and was accomplished in 56 days. On this day in 1851 the 1st YMCA was established in North America (Montreal). On this day in 1854 Alfred Lord Tennyson’s poem “Charge of the Light Brigade” was published. It’s a great poem that you should look up and read. On this day in 1926 the USGA legalized steel shaft golf clubs. On this day in 1941 Adolf Hitler ordered that US ships were to be torpedoed. Three days later he would declare war on the US. On this day in 1953 General Electric announced that all Communist employees would be fired. On this day in 1967 Jim Morrison was arrested mid concert in New Haven, Connecticut for disturbing the peace, making him the first performer to be arrested on stage. On this day in 1983 Edwin Meese, counselor to Ronald Reagan said people go to soup kitchens “because food is free and that’s easier than paying for it.” On this day in 1992 US Marines along with allied nations launched an invasion of Mogadishu. On this day in 2012 a bus rolled of a cliff in Taiwan killing 13 people. On the same day in Guatemala and bus fell off a cliff killing 6 people. It was a bad day to ride a bus. Since it’s John Milton’s birthday (1608) I’ll use him as today’s quote source. John said, “You can make hell out of heaven and heaven out of hell. It’s all in the mind.” “Anarchy is the sure consequence of tyranny; for no power that is not limited by laws can ever be protected by them.” You need to think about that one. “Don’t hold grudges; it’s pointless. Jealousy too is a non-cathartic, negative emotions.” I’m over 400 words so I’ll stop. Abide.