November 7, 2023. In many places around the country, it’s election day. I will not ignore the news today. I will try to ignore the spin, but I’m interested on how people vote in the key races. I want to see how much of a factor women’s reproductive health will be in 2024. Besides Election Day, it’s also Employee Brotherhood Day (SpongeBob SquarePants), International Inuit Day, International Merlot Day, National Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day, National Gin Day, and Skeptics Day International. Gin and Tonic sounds good to me. Now some history: On this day in 1775 during the revolutionary war, Lord Dunmore promised freedom to male slaves who would join the British army. On this day in 1800 it became illegal for women in Paris to wear trousers without a Police permit. This law was annulled in 2013. On this day in 1837 in Alton Illinois, abolitionist printer Elijah P. Lovejoy was shot and killed by a pro-slavery mob while attempting to protect his print shop from being destroyed for the third time. On this day in 1913 the Great Lakes Storm “the White Hurricane” began with 90 mph winds and 35-foot waves. The storm lasted for three days, sunk 19 ships and killed over 250 people. On this day in 1916 Jeannette Rankin was elected to Congress and became the first woman Representative. On this day in 1944 FDR was elected to his 4th term as President. This is the day in 1955 that the Supreme Court of Baltimore banned segregation in public recreational areas. On this day in 1966 John Lennon met Yoko Ono at an art exposition in London. In 1970 on this day there were race riots in Daytona Beach Fl. On this day in 1962 Eleanor Roosevelt died. She’s a great source of quotes. Here are a few: “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” “I am who I am today because of the choices I made yesterday.” “Some people are going to leave a mark on this world, while other will leave a stain.” “You wouldn’t worry so much about what others think of you if you realized how seldom they do.” “You can often change your circumstances by changing your attitude.” That’s a good place to end this post. Abide.