Today is October 3, 2023. When I got up this morning and looked in the mirror, I saw an old man. He’s the main character in my play. I’m the leading man in my wife’s play and parent in my children’s plays. I have a bit part in everyone else’s play. I’ve played lots of parts to lots of people. Some good, some bad. I hope I’m doing my part to make your play successful. Today is butterfly and Hummingbird Day, Global Smoothie Day, Look at the Leaves Day, Mean Girls Appreciation Day, National Boyfriend Day, National Caramel Custard Day, and National Fruit at Work Day. Now some history to put the present in context: On this day in 1283 Dafydd ap Gruffydd, Prince of Gwynedd, Wales, became the 1st person executed by being hanged, drawn and quartered. On this day in 1789 Washington proclaimed the 1st national Thanksgiving Day to be on November 26. On this day in 1863 President Lincoln designated the last Thursday in November as Thanksgiving Day. On this day in 1873 the Modoc tribe’s chief, Captain Jack, was hanged for war crimes after the Modoc war. This was a small war. Captain Jack and 50 warriors protesting the living conditions at their reservation returned to their ancestral lands and held off the army for nearly a year be fore surrendering. On this day in 1919 the US Federal Income tax became law. It was 1%. On this day in 1941 all elderly Jewish men of Kerenchug Ukraine are murdered by the SS. On this day in 1945 Elvis Presley performed for the 1st time in public at age 10 and took 5th place in the youth talent contest at the Mississippi-Alabama Fair. He won $5. On this day in 1896 William Morris who was an artist, writer and socialist died. He said, “The true secret of happiness lies in taking a genuine interest in all the details of daily life.” “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.” “History has remembered the kings and warriors because they destroyed. Art has remembered the people, because they created.” “Give me love and work -these two only.” “No man is good enough to be another’s master.” That’s enough for today. The end. Abide.