The sign says 02.23.2023. Pretty cool if you’re into sequences. Another good day awaits those who have decided to have a good day. I’m grateful to be in a place that allows me the luxury of making that decision. Today is Curling is Cool Day, Diesel Engine Day, Digital Learning Day, Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day, National Banana Bread Day, National Chili Day, National Rationalization Day, National Toast Day, Play Tennis Day, The Great American Spit Out (chewing tobacco) , and World Understanding and Peace Day. Now some history: On this date in 1455 the 1st Bible was printed by Johannes Gutenberg. Christianity for the first 1,455 years was based on the telling of stories which works because during the Middle Ages 90% of the men and 99% of women were illiterate. Moving on. On this day in 1813 the 1st raw cotton-to-cloth mill was founded in Waltham, MA. On this day in 1836 the Alamo, besieged for 13 days was overrun by troops led by General Santa Anna and the entire garrison was killed. On this day in 1886 “The Times” of London published the world’s first classified ad. This is the day in 1896 that the Tootsie Roll was created. On this day in 1903 the US and Cuba signed an agreement giving Guantanamo and Bahia Hondo to the US for naval stations. On this day in 1942 a Japanese submarine fired on an oil refinery in Ellwood, CA. In 1945 on this day US Marines raise the American Flag on top of Mr. Suribachi in Iwo Jima which inspired the Marine Corps War Memorial sculpture. Today’s dead person is the poet John Keats who stopped rhyming in 1821 and the age of 25. John wrote “To stay youthful, stay useful.” “The only means of strengthening one’s intellect is to make up one’s mind about nothing, to let the mind be a thoroughfare for all thoughts.” “To silence gossip, don’t repeat it.” “Give me books, French wine, fruit, fine weather and a little music” I like that. A Clive Cussler book on my kindle, some Laughing Owl red wine, blueberries, an average day in Florida with some Jimmy Buffett or James Taylor streaming on Alexia. Sounds good to me. Abide.