It’s now February 17, 2023. In the words of the boy from Barnwell, South Carolina who grew up to be the super star, James Brown, I feel good, just like I knew I would. I get another day of life and don’t intend to take it for granted. It’s Champion Crab Races Day, My Way Day, National Cabbage Day, National Café au Lait Day, National Caregivers Day, National Indian Pudding Day, National Woman’s Heat Day, Random Acts of Kindness Day, and Who Shall I Be Day. I think that Random Acts of Kindness should be celebrated every day. Moving on. On this day in 1600 the Italian philosopher Giordano Bruno was burned alive in Rome after being convicted of heresy by the Roman Inquisition. More about him later. On this day in 1795 Thomas Seddal harvested an 8.3-kg potato from his garden in Chester, England. That potato got Thomas onto the footnotes of history. On this day in 1801 the House of Representatives broke an electoral college tie when they elected Thomas Jefferson as President over Aaron Burr. On this day in 1876 sardines were first canned by Julius Wolff in Eastport, Maine. On this day in 1883 A. Ashwell patented the vacant/engaged toilet lock in London. On this day in 1913 the first minimum wage law in the US took effect in Oregon. On this day in 1915 Edward Stone got his historical footnote by being the first US combatant to die in WWI. On this day in 1933 the US Senate accepted the Blaine Act to end prohibition. On this day in 1934 the 1st high school auto driving course was offered at State College, PA. On this day in 1969 Bob Dylan and Johnny Cash recorded an album which has never been released. That’s a shame. I’ve seen videos of them playing together that were awesome. Let’s get back to Giordano Bruno. Here are some of his quotes to end this post with. Giordano said, “Truth does not change because it is, or is not believed by a majority of the people.” “If the first button of one’s coat is wrongly buttoned, all the rest will be crooked.” “I beg you, reject antiquity, tradition, faith, and authority: Let us begin anew by doubting everything we assume has been proven!” “I await your sentence with less fear than you pass it. The time will come when all will see what I see.” Speaking truth to power has always been a risky act. Abide.