02.10.2023 is on the milepost on our little trip on life’s turnpike. Today’s agenda is the same as every other day’s agenda for the last 4 or 5 years: We start by finding a few reasons to be grateful for our lives. Gratitude is the foundation of happiness. The we will look at what events are celebrated today, just for fun. Next will come this history of this day so we can put today’s chaos in the context and finally some wisdom from the people who have gone before us. OK? Today is International Cribbage Day, International Winter Bike to Work Day, National Cream Cheese Brownie Day, National Flannel Day, National No One Eats Alone Day, The Inbox Day, and Umbrella Day. I’ve never had a cream cheese brownie, but I’d like to. On this day in 1355 the St. Scholastica’s Day riot broke out in Oxford England and when it was over, 62 scholars and 30 locals were dead. The riot started when two students from Oxford University complained about the quality of wine served at a local tavern. On this day in 1535 twelve nude anabaptists ran through the streets of Amsterdam. On this day in 1676 Wampanoag Indians under King Philip kill all the men in Lancaster Mass. On this day in 1763 the Treaty of Paris ended the French-Indian War and Canada was surrendered to Britain. On this day in 1846 the Mormon march to Salt Lake City began. This is the day in 1855 that US citizenship laws were amended to make all children of US parents born abroad US citizens. On this day in 1890 11 million acres ceded to the US by the Sioux Indians was opened for settlement. On this day in 1916 the biggest oil well gusher ever happened near Tampico, Mexico. The oil shot 600 feet into the air. Today’s first dead person is the Russian poet, Alexander Pushkin, who said, “It is better to have dreamed a thousand dreams that never were than never to have dreamed at all.” Next is Alex Haley who said, “The way to succeed is never quit. That’s it.” Last for today is from Bartholomew Roberts who was a famous pirate also known as Black Bart. He said, “A merry life and a short one shall be my motto.” That’s it for today. Have a good one. Abide.