The last day of January has finally arrived. I look forward to February. With my normal good luck, it may be the best month of this year. I am striving for optimism, which is the expectation of a positive outcome. Today is Appreciate Your Social Security Check Day (I do), Backwards Day, Brandy Alexander Day, Eat Brussels Sprouts Day (I don’t), Hell is Freezing Over Day, Hug an Economist Day, National Hot Chocolate Day, National Plan a Vacation Day, and Scotch Tape Day. Onto history: On this day in 1696 the undertakers of Amsterdam revolted over new taxes to pay for a war against France. On this day in 1747 the first venereal disease clinic opened in London. On this day in 1863 the 1st black Civil War regiment, South Carolina Volunteers, mustered into the US Army. On this day in 1865 Congress passed, by a vote of 121-124, the 13th Amendment of the Constitution, abolishing slavery. On this day in 1876 the US ordered all Native Americans to move into reservations. On this day in 1928 scotch tape was first sold by the 3-M Company. On this day in 1961 Ham the chimpanzee became the 1st primate to travel in space aboard Mercury/Redstone 2. On this day in 1970 the Grateful Dead was busted on Bourbon Street for using LSD. This is another day when quotes are hard to come by. So it’s plan B which is quotes based on a word. The word is optimism. William James said, “Pessimism leads to weakness, optimism to power.” Lucille Ball said, “One of the things I learned the hard way was that it doesn’t pay to get discouraged. Keeping busy and making optimism a way of life can restore your faith in yourself.” John Grogan said, “Many of the qualities that come so effortlessly to dogs – loyalty, devotion, selflessness, unflagging optimism, unqualified love – can be elusive to humans.” That’s a pretty cool quote and absolutely true. It’s a good note to end this post on. Abide.