Another new day is about to start. This one is called January 21, 2023. This is one day I’ll remember because I’m going to see a play tonight. A new memory to save. I’ll pay attention to the details because that will make the memory easier to relive. For the rest of you, today is International Playdate Day, National Granola Bar Day, National Hugging Day, National New England Clam Chowder Day, National Use Your Gift Card Day, On-Liners Day, Own Your Own Home Day, and Squirrel Appreciation Day. On this day in 1542 the English Parliament passed the Act of Uniformity requiring the clergy to use The Book of Common Prayer. On this day in 1677 the 1st medical publication in America was published. The subject was smallpox. This disease has been eradicated by vaccinations. On this day in 1793 King Louis XVI was guillotined in Paris following his convection for “high treason”. On this day in 1880 the 1st US sewage disposal system that was separate from the storm water system was built in Memphis TN. On this day in 1908 the “Sulivan Ordinance” was passed in NYC making it illegal for a woman to smoke in public. It was vetoed 2 days later by the mayor. On this day in 1942 the Bronx magistrate ruled that all pinball machines were illegal. On this day in 1977 President Jimmy Carter pardoned almost all Vietnam War draft evaders. On this day in 1987 B.B. Kind and Muddy Waters were inducted into the “Rock and Roll Hall of Fame”. Today’s dead person is George Orwell. Lots of interesting quotes. Here are a few: “The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it.” “Free speech is my right to say what you don’t want to hear.” “The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became the truth.” “The people will believe what the media tells them they believe.” That is a powerful quote. The next time you’re sitting in front of a TV watching someone tell you the news, ask yourself “what is he or she trying to convince of?” Always remember, your world view is determined by who you listen to. Abide.