It’s 01.11.2023. The day with three ones in it. That’s the best we can do until November 11th. Yesterday was a fine day and I suggest we do it all over again. Realize that nothing you do today will be remembered in 100 years. We might as well do what we want to do and just try to have some fun. The purpose of life is to enjoy it. Today is Cigarettes are Hazardous to Your Health Day, Girl Hug Boy Day, Learn Your Name in Morse Code Day, National Hot Toddy Day, National Human Trafficking Awareness Day, National Milk Day, National Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friend Day, and Secret Pal Day. Now to some history: On this day in 1569 the world’s first National Lottery was held in England. First prize was 5,000 pounds. On this day in 1571 Roman Emperor Maximilian II granted Austrian nobility freedom of religion. I’m guessing the Austrian commoners still had to go to church? On this day in 1775 Frances Salvador became the 1st Jew elected to office in America. On this day in 1861 Alabama seceded from the Union. On this day in 1922 insulin was first used to threat diabetes. Before insulin, diabetes was a fatal disease. Today’s first dead person is Arron Swartz who died too soon at the age of 26 in 2013. Aaron was a rebel computer programmer and hacktivist. He said, “There is no justice in following unjust laws” and “Only those blinded by greed would refuse to let a friend make a copy.” Next is Robert Anton Wilson who was an author, futurist, and self-described agnostic mystic. He said “The final war will be between Pavlov’s dog and Schrodinger’s Cat” and “The function of law and theology are the same: to keep the poor from taking back by violence what the rich have stolen by cunning” and “Of course I’m crazy, but that doesn’t mean I’m wrong.” Last for today is Sir Edmund Hilary who was the 1st person to climb Mount Everest. He said, “People do not decide to become extraordinary. They decide to accomplish extraordinary things, and “Nobody remembers who climbed Mount Everest the second time.” Abide.