This day is called December 15th, 2022. It only comes once in my lifetime. I doubt that it will be memorable, but I could be wrong. The weather will turn nasty this afternoon which means a stay home evening. Since I have a nice warm home, lots of food and my best friend to keep me company, today is going to work out just fine. 12/15 happens to be Bill of Rights Day, Cat Herders Day, International Tea Day, National Wear Your Peals Day, and National Cupcake Day. Not much to celebrate but a cupcake is always good. Now to the history part of this post. On this day in 1586 Holland grated a patent on a windmill with a crankshaft. On this day in 1791 the first US law school was established at the University of Pennsylvania. On the same day the US Bill of Rights was ratified when Virginia gave it’s approval. On this day in 1840 Napoleon Bonaparte received a French state funeral in Paris 19 years after his death. On this day in 1903 a NY Wall Street vendor (Italo Marcioni) was granted a patent for making ice cream cones. This is the day in 1925 that the first hocky game is played in Madison Square Garden. Montreal Canadiens 3, NY Americans 1. This is the day in 1939 that ‘Gone With The Wind’ premiered in Atlanta. It would win Best Picture in 1940. On this day in 1941 the AFL adopted a no-strike policy in war industries. This is the day in 1955 that Jonny Cash’s ‘Folsom Prison Blues’ was released. On this day in 1961 Adolf Eichmann was sentenced to death for war crimes. Today’s first quote come from the Lakota Chief Sitting Bull who said, “What treaty have the Sioux made with the white man that we have broken? Not one. What treaty have the white man ever made with us that they have kept? Not one.” Next quote is from Christopher Hitchens who said, “Since it is obviously inconceivable that all religions can be right, the most reasonable conclusion is that they are all wrong.” Last one is from Walt Disney who said, “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” Enough for you to think about. Abide.