This day is called August 16, 2022. I’m fully prepared to have an excellent day. Nothing special is planned, nothing on the “to do” list that I’m planning to do. I’m just going to enjoy living this day. David Faustino, better known as Bud Bundy on ‘Married with Children’ said, “Enjoy life. That’s what we’re here for.” Today is National Bratwurst Day, National Roller Coaster Day, National Tell a Joke Day, True Love Forever Day and my pick, National Rum Day which I will celebrate around 5 PM. Now the history lesson of today. In 1501 on this day Michelangelo was awarded the contract to create the statue of David. On this day in 1691 Yorktown Virginia was founded. I checked Wikipedia and Yorktown still exists. The 2010 census reported 193 people live there. On this day in 1819 in Manchester England a crowd of 60,000 gathered to protest and demand changes to parliament. The cavalry was ordered to disperse the crowd and they did, killing 15 and injuring 700. The incident is known as the Peterloo Massacre. On this day in 1894 chiefs from the Sioux and Onondaga tribes met to urge their people to renounce Christianity and return to their Indian faith. This is the day in 1904 that NYC started building Grand Central Station. On this day in 1920 Cleveland Indian shortstop Ray Chapman was hit in the head by NY Yankee pitcher Carl Mays. Ray Chapman died the next day and became the only professional baseball player to die of a game related injury. The dead person today is Elvis who died August 16, 1977. Elvis said, “Don’t criticize what you can’t understand, son. You never walked in that man’s shoes.” “Do something worth remembering.” “Animals don’t hate, and we’re supposed to be better than them.” Last one is “I never expected to be anybody important.” He turned out to be the King. Abide.