04.20.2022. Another wonderful day to be alive. They all are if your mind is right, and circumstances don’t overwhelm you. Hard to be bright eyed and cheery if you’ve slept in your car last night or find yourself in a war zone. I’m grateful that I’m not in either of those situations. It’s Lima Bean Respect Day, National Cheddar Fries Day, Look Alike Day, Volunteer Recognition Day, and Pineapple Upside Down Cake Day. Pineapple upside down cake reminds me of my mother. Now to our history lesson of the day. This is the day in 1611 that the 1st known performance of Shakespeare’s tragedy Macbeth was performed at the Globe Theatre in London. In 1836 on this day the Territory of Wisconsin was established. On this day in 1894 136,000 mine workers went on strike in Ohio for pay increases. This is the day in 1912 that Tiger Stadium in Detroit opened. Tigers won over Cleveland 6 to 5. In 1918 on this day Manfred von Richthofen, aka The Red Baron, shot down his 79th and 80th victims marking his final victories before his death the following day. Finally, on this day in 1962 the New Orleans Citizens Company gave free 1-way rides to blacks to move North. Never knew that. Today I’m going to stop at the cemetery plot of Dorothy Height who died at the age of 98 in 2011. She was an African American civil rights activist. Dorothy said, “If you worry about who is going to get credit, you don’t get much work done” and “I am the product of many whose lives have touched mine, from the famous, distinguished, and powerful, to the little known and poor.” I’ll wrap this post up with a quote from the Irish poet Archibald MacLeish who said, “See the world as it truly is, small and blue, beautiful in that eternal silence where it floats.” Abide.