We have reached the 28th day of May, 2022. It will be in the high 80s and there are no Atlantic disturbances at the National Hurricane Center. As I noted yesterday, it’s another day in paradise. Life’s been good to me so far. Ignore the chaos, be kind, be happy. You know the drill. Today is Amnesty International Day, International Hamburger Day, National Brisket Day, National Italian Beef Day and The Slugs Return From Capistrano Day. Now to this dates history: On May 28, 1841 Joan of Arc was accused of relapsing into heresy when she put on male clothing again which provided the justification for her execution. This was the day in 1644 of the Bolton Massacre by Royalist troops in Bolton England. Bolton was a center for Puritanism. Royalist troops stormed the city and killed 1,600 inhabitants. This is the day in 1830 that President Andrew Jackson signed the Indian Removal Act which forced the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek and Seminole tribes out of Georgia and surround states and let to the Trail of Tears. This is the day in 1923 that the US Attorney General said it was legal for women to wear trousers anywhere. This is the day in 1984 that George Soros founded the Soros Foundation to help countries free themselves from communism. Now let’s see what we can discover from the quotes of people long gone. John Locke, attorney, farmer and politician died in 1704. John said, “What worries you, masters you” and “Who lies for you will lie against you.” Next is Red Auerbach, legendary coach of the Boston Celtics who passed in 2006. Red said, “Just do what you do best.” I’ll finish today’s post with a quote from the poet Ted Hughes who stopped living in 1998. Ted said, “You are who you choose to be.” That’s enough for you to think about on this beautiful, never used, brand new day. Abide.