The milepost reads 03.12.2022. Our winter doesn’t want to leave. This day starts in the 70s and will spiral down to the 30s. Unusual for Florida. One more day of long pants and socks won’t kill me. I know the 90s will be here soon. Today is Girl Scout Day, National Plant A Flower Day, National Baked Scallops Day, National Fanny Pack Day, National Working Moms Day and National Alfred Hitchcock Day. Now for some history. In 1496 all Jews were expelled from Syria. On this day in 1664 New Jersey became a British Colony. On this day in 1884 Mississippi established the 1st state college for women. In 1894 on this date, Coca-Cola was sold in bottles for the first time in a candy store in Vicksburg, Mississippi. At that time, Coco-Cola had cocaine as an ingredient. On this day in 1933 FDR held his first fireside chat. He explained the mechanics of Banking to America because of the run on banks that had recently occurred. On this day in 1945 New York is the 1st state to prohibit discrimination by race and creed for employment. Today we will stop at the grave of Terry Pratchett who died on March 12, 2015. He was a humorist, satirist, and author. Terry said, “The harder I work, the luckier I become.” “Always remember that the crowd that applauds your coronation is the same crowd that will applaud your beheading. People like a show.” “Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened.” Ain’t that the truth!. “The entire universe has been neatly divided into things to (a) mate with, (b) eat, (c) run away from and (d) rocks.” I’ll wrap this one up with a quote from the author Robert Lundlum who died in 2001 on this date. Robert said, “You’re on your own now. You are not helpless. You will find your way.” Abide.