We have just past the “Welcome to February 17, 2022” sign. The off ramp is up ahead but I won’t be taking it. Life is good. I plan to stick around for another 10,000 days. February happens to be Spunky Old Broad’s month in addition to Great American Pie month. I like them both. Today is National Café au Lait Day (coffee with milk), National Cabbage Day, National Indian Pudding Day, Random Acts of Kindness Day and Who Shall I Be Day. Maybe Polish Cabbage Soup is on the menu for tonight? Could be. Now to the historical footnotes. In 1600 Philosopher Giordano Bruno is burned alive after being charged with heresy by the Roman Inquisition. Speaking truth to power has always been a dangerous occupation. Bruno said, “Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.” In 1876 Sardines are first canned by Julius Wolff in Eastport, Maine. In 1883 A. Ashwell patented the free-toilet in London. What is a free-toilet? I looked it up. It’s the gizmo that shows if the toilet is occupied or not. In 1913 the 1st minimum wage law in US took effect in Oregon. In 1915 on this date, Edward Stone who became the 1st US combatant to die in WW I, was mortally wounded. In 1933 the first issue of American news magazine “Newsweek” was published. Finally, In 1969 Bob Dylan and Johnny Cash record an album; it was never released. I’ve seen recordings of them playing together and they are awesome. This is a good day to visit the headstone of Moliere who died in 1673. He was a French poet. His quotes are fun. They are short, insightful, and accurate: “People spend most of their lives worrying about things that never happen.” “Great is the fortune of he who possesses a good bottle, a good book and a good friend.” “People can be induced to swallow anything, provided it is seasoned with praise.” I’ll end with this one: “Of all the follies there is none greater than wanting to make the world a better place.” Think on that one. Make today a good one. Abide.