It’s still dark on this 9th day of February 2022. Since I discovered that I can shape most days into a positive experience simply by deciding what I will think about, living each one is an enjoyable experience. I don’t know how many days I have left. I have now lived longer than the average male in America. I’ve decided that I don’t want to waste another day being angry, mad, upset, pissed off or depressed. 02/09/2022 is Chocolate Day, National Cut the Cord Day, Develop Alternative Vices Day, Read in the Bathtub Day and Pizza Pie Day. I believe I’ll have some chocolate today. Now a look at what happened on this date: In the year 1555 the Bishop of Gloucester John Hooper was burned at the stake for refusing to accept the teachings of the Catholic Church. On this day in 1870 the US Army established the National Weather Service. On this day in 1886 President Grover Cleveland declared a state of emergency in Seattle because of anti-Chinese violence. This is the day in 1909 that the 1st federal legislation prohibiting the importation or possession of narcotics went into effect. On this day in 1926 teaching the theory of evolution was forbidden in Atlanta, Georgia schools. On this day in 1950, Senator Joe McCarthy charged that the State Department was “infested” with 205 communists. Today is the day in 1881 that the Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoevsky died. Here are a few of his observations that resonate with me: “Nothing in the world is harder to speak than the truth, nothing easier than flattery.” “I gave up caring about anything, and all the problems disappeared.” “Right attitudes produce right action.” I’ll end with this gem: “The man who is happy is fulfilling the purpose of his existence.” Abide.