It’s 01.02.22022. I’m waiting for the milepost for Feb. 22nd. We should throw a party for that one. Just checked the Covid stats and we added another 347,000 new cases yesterday. That’s the bad news. The good news is that if you’re vaccinated, and boosted, you probably aren’t going to be very sick when (not if) you catch it. Israel approved a second booster yesterday. These are the cards we’ve been delt and we will play them as best we can. Today is National Buffet Day, National Run it Up The Flagpole And See if Anybody Salutes It Day, National Cream Puff Day, National Science Fiction Day, Swiss Cheese Day AND National Motivation and Inspiration Day which I will celebrate as I try and do every day. Now the history of this day: On this day in 1865 the legendary bare knuckle boxing match between Con Orem and Hugh O’Neill goes for 185 rounds in Virginia City Montana and was ended by darkness. Wow. In 1890 Alice Sanger became the 1st female White House staffer. At 24 she was a personal assistant to President Harrison and the First Lady. On this day in 1890 a 19-foot alligator was shot and killed in Louisiana. In 1903 US President Theodore Roosevelt shuts down the post office in Indianola Miss, for refusing to accept its appointed postmistress because she was black. In 1906 Willis Carrier receives a US patent for the world’s first air conditioner. If not discovered, nobody would live in Florida. In 1934 the 1st state liquor stores open in Pennsylvania.  Today is science fiction writer Isaac Asimov’s birthday. Over the years he’s given me many hours of pleasure. Here are some of his observations: “When stupidity is considered patriotism, it is unsafe to be intelligent.” “Maybe happiness is this: not feeling like you should be elsewhere, doing something else, being someone else.” “The easiest way to solve a problem is to deny it exists.” I’ll end with “Life is a journey, but don’t worry, you’ll find a parking spot at the end.” Abide.