The 18th day of September is now here. Let’s jump right into it. Today is First Love Day, Batman Day, International Read An EBook Day, National Cheeseburger Day, National Respect Day, National Thank A Police Officer Day, Locate An Old Friend Day, Big Whopper Liar Day and National Rice Krispies Treats Day. I’ll celebrate the Cheeseburger. Now to what happened on September 18 through the years: On this day in 1873, George Washington laid the cornerstone of the Capital Building the Washington DC. In 1837 on this day Charles Lewis Tiffany and John B. Young co-founded a “stationery and fancy goods emporium” in New York City, later renamed in 1853 as “Tiffany & Co.”. This is the day in 1848 that Baseball rules were changed to allow the 1st baseman to tag the base for out instead of runner. On this day in 1885 riots broke out in Montreal to protest compulsory smallpox vaccination. Finally, on this day in 1919 hurricane tides were 16 feet above normal and drowned 280 along the Gulf Coast. Today is also the birthday of Samuel Johnson who was born in 1709. He was poet, playwright, essayist, moralist, and critic. Here are some of his observations: “Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel.” “Kindness is in our power, even when fondness is not.” “Advice is seldom welcome. Those who need it most, like it least.” And “None but a fool worries about things he cannot influence.” This is also the day in 1951 that Gelett Burgess died. Gelett was an artist, art critic, poet, author and humorist. I’ll end this post with one of his poems: “I never saw a purple cow / I never hope to see one / but I can tell you anyhow / I’d rather see than be one. Words to live by. Abide.