It is now the 8th day of September 2021. My first real decision everyday is what to open this post with. My goal is to remind you of how grateful you should be for the life you’re getting to live. I’m trying to help you get your mind in a place that will help you reach a state of happiness today. Live in the moment, be kind to others in thought, word and deed and to be satisfied with what you have. In doing so, I remind myself. There’s a long list of things to celebrate today: International Literacy Day, National Actors Day, National Ampersand Day & Pardon Day & National Date Nut Bread Day & National Pledge Of Allegiance Day & Star Trek Day. Did you know that 32 million American adults are illiterate? That explains a lot about why things are the way they are. Now to history: This is the day in 1504 that Michelangelo completed the Statue of David. In 1565 on this day St. Augustine was founded. This is the day in 1800 that 6,000 were killed when a hurricane & tidal wave hit Galveston. On this day in 1930 Scotch Tape is invented. This is the day in 2012 that Thomas Szasz who was an academic, psychiatrist and psychoanalyst died. He said “People often say that this or that person has not yet found himself. But the self is not something one finds; it is something one creates.” Yet another confirmation that we create who we are. This is also the day that Moondog’s life stopped in 1999. Moondog was a beach bum, composer, musician, theoretician, poet and inventor of several musical instruments. He was also blind from the age of 16. Moondog said, “I mean, fuck, we’re here to have a good time. I just wanna have a good time, until this shit’s over man.” Me too Moondog, me too. Abide.