In a few minutes, the sun will rise on August 9th 2020. I write these posts for three reasons. To remind myself and you that each day of life is a unique event not to be taken for granted. The second reason is to remind myself and you and I are part of the flow of history. We get to live a small part of it. Finally, to remind myself and you of the wisdom and advice of those who have lived and died before us. Let’s get started. Today is Book Lover’s Day, International Day of the World’s Indigenous People, National Polka Day, National Rice Pudding Day, National Veep Day and Victory Day. Now to the history of this day: In the year 378, the Battle of Adrianople took place. The Germanic Goth army defeated Roman forces. Over 10,000 died in this battle. This is the day in 1173 that construction of the Tower of Pisa begins, and it takes two centuries to complete. In 1483 on this day the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican opened. On this day in 1898 Rudolf Diesel obtained the patent for his internal combustion engine, later known as the diesel engine. Now you know where it got its name. And, today is the day in 1974 that Richard Nixon resigns as President of the United States. This is the birthday (1648) of the composer Johann Michael Bach who said, “It’s easy to play any musical instrument: all you have to do is touch the right key at the right time and the instrument will play itself.” No, Mr. Bach, it’s not that easy. This is also the day that Jerry Garcia of the Grateful Dead, died. Jerry said, “You ain’t gonna learn what you don’t want to know”. There’s a boatload of truth in that quote. He also said, “Too much of a good thing is just about right”. A good quote to end this post. Abide.