August 7, 2021 is here. In 100 years, nothing we do today will really matter. That’s an oddly comforting fact. You have the freedom to do what you want to do. There could be some immediate consequences if you harm someone but aside from that, in 100 years, nobody is going to know, or care. Today is Beach Party Day, Mead Day, National Lighthouse Day, Professional Speakers Day, Sea Serpent Day, Raspberries ‘n Cream Day, National Mustard Day, Purple Heat Day and my pic, National Blues Music Day. Now to some historical footnotes: In 1428 the first organized witchcraft trial was held in Switzerland. This is the day in 1782 that George Washington created the Purple Heart medal. On this day in 1912 the Bull Moose Party nominated Theodore Roosevelt for US President. This party is still around and I joined it. I like the platform and mascot. This is also the day 1957 that congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1957 designed to provide federal protection for African-American voting rights. Finally, this is the day in 1966 of the race riots in Lansing Michigan. Today is the birthday of Garrison Keillor who is the creator of the Minnesota Public Radio show, A Prairie Home Companion. I’ll end this post with some of Garrison’s quotes: “Welcome to Lake Wobegon where all the women are strong, all the men are good looking, and all the children are above average.” “They say such nice things about someone at their funeral that it makes me sad that I’m going to miss mine by a few days.” And, “Don’t worry about the past or try to solve the future”. Enough for today. Abide.