It is now June 12th, 2021. No Atlantic storms off the coast of Africa which means no hurricanes to worry about… yet. The political chaos meter reads “medium” and my personal outlook is sunny. In other words, it’s a damn good day to be alive. We can celebrate Superman Day, Ghost In The Machine Day, Loving Day, National Jerky Day, Magic Day, National Rosé Day, Peanut Butter Cookie Day and/or National Gin Day. I’ll have a Gin and Tonic around 5 PM. Now let’s look at the history of June 12: In 1665 New Amsterdam legally became an English colony and was renamed New York after English Duke of York. In 1787 Congress passed a law requiring a senator to be at least 30 years old. In 1923 Harry Houdini freed himself from a straight jacket while suspended upside down, 40 feet above ground in NYC. In 1942 Anne Frank received her diary as a birthday present. Also in 1942 Hitler ordered the enslavement of Slavic peoples. Finally, in 1954 Bill Haley’s “Rock Around the Clock” was originally released and Rock and Roll officially began. Since it’s Anne Frank’s birthday, I’ll give you one of her quotes. “What a wonderful thought it is that some of the best days of our lives haven’t even happened yet.” This is also the day in 1998 that we lost Leo Buscaglia who was an author, motivational speaker, and a professor (Special Education). Leo said, “Don’t spend your precious time asking “Why isn’t the world a better place?” It will only be time wasted. The question to ask is “How can I make it better?” To that there is an answer” and “No one gets out of this world alive, so the time to live, learn, care, share, celebrate, and love is now.” Leo was a very smart man. I will follow his advice. Abide.