June 7, 2021. Do you realize that 2021 is half over? Wow. 2020 went by sooooo slow and this year seems to be going by really quickly. Time is largely a perception event. The year is flying by for me because I’ve turned off most of the news and turned on Margaritaville. You know the feeling you get sitting under a palm tree listening to the steel drum band with a drink in your hand? That’s my mental state. Today is Daniel Boone Day. He said, “All you need for happiness is a good gun, a good horse, and a good wife.” I don’t know why he put them in that order. It’s also June Bug Day, VCR day and National Chocolate Ice Cream Day. Happy to celebrate anything with chocolate in it. On this day in 1665 the Great Plague of London was happening and Samuel Pepys writes in his diary that houses marked with a red cross in London’s Drury Lane, means somebody inside is infected with the plague and must be locked in for 40 days or until death. Yikes. On this day in 1788 French peasants stone the army in Grenbole, an event known as the Day of the Tiles. The army was trying to put down a protest and disperse the crowd and the protesters climbed onto roofs and started throwing roofing times down on the army. Finally, in 1893 on this day, Gandhi committed his first act of civil disobedience by refusing to vacate his seat on a train to a white person. Today is the birthday (1861) of Rabindranath Tagore who was a Bengali poet, writer, playwright, composer and philosopher. He said, “The one who plants trees, knowing that he will never sit in their shade, has at least started to understand the meaning of life.” This is the day that Chief Seattle died in 1866. He was a Suquamish and Duwamish Chief and the City of Seattle was named for him. He said, “Only when the last tree has died and the last river has been poisoned and the last fish has been caught will we realize that we can not eat money.” That’s enough to think about for this day. Abide.